Be careful who you open up to.only a few people truly care.the rest are just curious or have hidden motives.
Making a hundred friends is not a iracle.the miracle is to make a single friend who will stnad by your side even when hundreds are against you.

3、 谁伤害了你,谁击垮了你都不重要。重要的是谁让你再次微笑。
It doesn't matter who hurt you,or broke you down.what matters is who made you smile again.
My attitude is a result of your actions.so if you don't like my attitude blame yourself.

Pain makes you stronger,tears make you braver,and heartbreaks make youwiser,so thank the past for a better future.
Empty pocket teaches you a million things in life,but full pocket spoils you in a millioin ways.

Sometimes you have to stay silent,because no words can explain what is going on in your mind and your heart.
Respect the old when you are young.help the weak when you are strong.confess the fault when you are wrong.because one day in life you will be old,weak and wrong.

The day your work becomes important than your mood,no one can stop you from being successful.